Ex de Naya Rivera, Ryan Dorsey se manifesta sobre morte da atriz

Os dois ficaram juntos até 2018 e são pais de um garoto de quatro anos, Josey

Redação EM Cultura 25/07/2020 19:21
Naya Rivera, Ryan Dorsey e o filho Josey (foto: Instagram/Reprodução)
Ex-marido da atriz Naya Rivera, morta no início de julho por afogamento acidental, Ryan Dorsey quebrou o silêncio e se manifestou sobre a tragédia.
“Sou grato pela jornada que nos juntou e nos deu o menino mais inteligente e gentil que eu poderia querer. Eu me lembro quando você se irritava comigo: 'Ryan, saia do Snapchat!'. Eu fico feliz de não ter ouvido você naqueles momentos, porque agora tenho centenas, provavelmente milhares de fotos e vídeos seus, que eu e Josey guardaremos para sempre.", publicou Dorsey em sua conta no Instagram.
Os atores ficaram juntos entre 2014 e 2018 e são pais de Josey, quatro anos. A atriz teria caído do barco e se afogado no Lago Piru, nos Estados Unidos, após salvar o menino. Os dois teriam sido atingidos por forte correnteza.
Dorsey também disse que o filho "faz as partes ruins da vida ficarem um pouco melhores", e que consegue ver Naya nele. "Ele nunca vai se esquecer de onde veio. Nós sentimos sua falta. Nós sempre vamos te amar", completou.
Ver essa foto no Instagram

This is so unfair...there's not enough words to express the hole left in everyone's hearts. I can't believe this is life now. I don't know if I'll ever believe it. You were just here... We were just in the back swimming with Josey the day before. Life just isn't fair. I don't know what to say...I'm thankful for our times and our journey that brought us together and gave us the sweetest and kindest smart little boy we could ever hope for. I remember sometimes you used to get annoyed at me: "Ryan can you stop snap chatting!" Haha. I'm glad I didn't listen to you because I have hundreds and probably thousands of snaps and videos that Josey will have forever and know his momma loved him more than life, and how much fun we had together as he was growing up. Life is all about good times and bad times but with Josey it makes the bad a little less so because a part of you will always be with us. He'll never forget where he came from. We miss you. We will always love you. Love you Meep. %uD83D%uDDA4%uD83D%uDC94%uD83D%uDDA4 %u2665%uFE0F To everyone that reached out and I haven't had a chance to or just didn't get back to you...thank you all for the overwhelming love and support you've sent our way. I'll just say in closing, be kind to yourself, be kind to others, forgive...forget...don't hold grudges....if you have nothing nice to say maybe try not to say anything. There's peace in silence. Time on Earth is precious and you just never know....you never know what could happen. Hold your loved ones close, and cherish the times you have with those you care about. %u2665%uFE0F

Uma publicação compartilhada por dorseyryan (@dorseyryan) em